Best Body Q&A college nutritionist

Here are common Q&As about my weight loss & meal planning program – Best Body!

Best Body Q&A

Can I cancel anytime? 

Yes! Cancel anytime.

What if I’m gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, etc.? 

You can always swap out any one food for another in its same food category, or you can switch out one meal for another entirely! There are almost 1000 meals in my database, so I’m confident you can find meals you like!

  • Gluten-free specific: Since the plans are low/moderate carb, there are already only a few (if any!) gluten-containing foods in the meal plans to begin with. At most grocery stores, you can easily find gluten-free alternatives (e.g. gluten free pasta or bread) or you can use another starchy food that doesn’t contain gluten (e.g. rice vs. pasta).

  • Dairy-free specific: You can always use a dairy-free alternative, e.g. dairy-free yogurt and cheese. I have specific recommendations for brands I like in the program. You can also swap out a dairy food for something else in the same food group category – lists are included in the program!

  • Vegetarian: Most days in the meal plan do contain animal protein. But you can always swap out the animal protein for something else, e.g. tofu. Protein lists are included in the program!

Can my husband join in? 

Totally!! Within the meal planning function, you can edit my meal plans (or create your own) to increase the number of servings of any meal (which automatically updates the grocery list BTW!).

Do the meals include expensive ingredients? 

No!! All easy-to-find, regular, whole, real food ingredients you can find at any store.

I know you love Trader Joe’s, is it necessary I shop there? 

No!! All foods in my meal plans are easy to find at any grocery store (PROMISE!)

What if I want more than one starch per day? 

100% fine as well. My “rules of thumb” are general guidelines.

Can I make my own meals with #thatformula? 

P.S. #thatformula is how I structure most lunches & dinners – with 2 cups of veggies, 4-5 oz protein, and 100-200 calories of fats. Absolutely! AND, when you’re a member, you can submit any recipe you want me to make, and I’ll make it and add it to the system!

What if I don’t want to count calories – what if I just want to use the meal planning function? 

That is totally fine 🙂

What if I don’t have access to a kitchen? 

You can definitely follow the principles of Best Body, without making all of the recipes. AND! Many of the recipes require very little cooking anyway 😋

What exercise do I need to do? 

Exercise is not required! 🙂

What if I’m older than my 20s/ 30s?

Can I still participate? 100%! Age is NOT an issue!

Check out Best Body HERE!

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