Best Fruit for Energy in the Morning

There’s a reason they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What you eat in the morning can set the tone for your entire day, as it can make a huge difference in your energy levels throughout the day.

One of the best things you can eat in the morning is fruit.

It is a good source of vitamins, it boosts your energy, and it won’t make you tired in the middle of the day. You need good energy production and sustainable energy for the whole day, especially if you’re often feeling tired in the middle of the day. Since fruit has tons of vitamins and minerals and can help with your energy production, it’s definitely a good choice for morning food. It’s also great if you want to lose weight.

Processed foods, on the other hand, can leave you tired and sleepy, and that’s not the way you want to feel the entire day, right?

So, to help you pick the right fruit to start your day that is good for your energy levels, weight loss, and overall health, I created a list of the best fruit to consume in the morning.

Best Fruit for Energy in the Morning

The best fruit to eat in the morning for energy are bananas. They will leave you full, energized, and ready to take on the day!

Some of the benefits of eating bananas (especially for breakfast):

  • They are packed with potassium,

  • They are low in sodium, which protects you from high blood pressure and strokes,

  • You’ll get relief from heartburn and acid reflux,

  • They will help boost your mood because they contain amino acid tryptophan

  • They are high in antioxidants

  • Great source of magnesium and B vitamins

There are so many different ways you can include bananas in your breakfast. You can put them on your oatmeal, include them in smoothies or smoothie bowls, eat them with yogurt and nuts, or enjoy them with peanut butter (which is a good source of healthy fats when it’s not eaten too much) and eggs.

However, try not to eat just bananas on an empty stomach, because of acidity. Instead, combine them with other ingredients and other good sources of vitamins, for a filling, energizing meal.

Pro tip: When choosing bananas, go with the ripe ones that are yellow and freckled. Those are much better for energy-boosting and for digesting than the unripe, greener ones.

Now, let’s get into a few meal ideas for breakfast that include bananas, and will help with boosting your energy for the day. 

Banana Pancakes with 2 Tbsp PB

365 calories


  • 1 Banana – 105 calories

  • 1 Egg, large – 72 calories

  • 2 Tbsp Peanut butter – 188 calories

  • 1 Cinnamon, dash – 0 calories


  1. Whisk banana and eggs. Add in cinnamon.

  2. Spray a non-stick pan with an oil spray

  3. Add small amount of batter to pan, flip when turner when you can easily slide turner under it

  4. Make a sandwich with the PB or dip pieces of pancakes into the PB on the side

Green Smoothie with Banana

252 calories


  • 1 cup Almond milk – 30 calories

  • ½ Banana – 52.5 calories

  • ½ cup Pineapple, frozen chunks, unsweetened – 46.5 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Almond butter – 101 calories

  • 1 cup Leafy greens, kale, raw – 15 calories

  • 1 cup Leafy greens, spinach, raw – 7 calories


  1. Add in all ingredients and 3-4 ice cubes to a blender

  2. Blend

Chocolate Banana Smoothie

354 calories


  • 1 Banana – 105 calories

  • 1 Protein powder – 120 calories

  • 1 Cinnamon, dash – 0 calories

  • 1 cup Almond milk – 30 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Peanut butter – 94 calories

  • ¼ Tbsp Cocoa powder – 5 calories


  1. Slice banana & freeze overnight, or use fresh if you prefer.

  2. Blend all ingredients together in a blender. Add ice if you need to.

Oatmeal with 1/4 cup Nuts and Banana

455 calories


  • ½ cup Oatmeal, dry oats (uncooked) – 150 calories

  • ¼ cup Nuts – 200 calories

  • 1 Banana – 105 calories

  • 1 Cinnamon, dash – 0 calories


  1. Mix oatmeal with water & microwave to desired consistency

  2. Top with nuts, banana, and cinnamon

  3. Feel free to swap out these nuts for another nut or seed you prefer. Roasted & salted nuts and seeds are fine

Banana, 2 Eggs, and 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

343 calories


  • 1 Banana – 105 calories

  • 2 Egg, large – 144 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Peanut butter – 94 calories


  1. Hard boil eggs

  2. Slice banana & spread PB on it

  3. Use almond butter or another nut or seed butter if you prefer

Other Energy Boosting Fruits


The health benefits of all berries, in general, are huge. One of the best types of berries, in terms of health benefits, are blueberries, and they make a great choice for breakfast food.

They have a big amount of fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamin C, omega-3, and they improve heart health, cognitive health, and boost your energy.

Here are a few ideas for incorporating blueberries into your meals.

Oatmeal with Blueberries and 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

314 calories


  • ½ cup Oatmeal, dry oats (uncooked) – 150 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Peanut butter – 94 calories

  • 1 cup Blueberries, fresh – 70 calories

  • 1 Cinnamon, dash – 0 calories


  1. Mix oatmeal with water & microwave to desired consistency

  2. Top with nut butter, blueberries, and cinnamon

  3. No nuts? Use a seed butter e.g. sunflower seed butter

Yogurt with Blueberries with 1/4 Cup Slivered Almonds

430 calories


  • 2¼ cups Almonds, slivered – 210 calories

  • 1 Yogurt, flavored (<15 gm sugar/ serving), 2%, Greek, single-serving container – 150 calories

  • 1 cup Blueberries, fresh – 70 calories


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

  2. No dairy? Use a dairy-free yogurt. No nuts? Use seeds. Roasted & salted nuts or seeds is fine.

Blueberry Muffin in a Mug

229 calories


  • ¼ cup Flour, whole wheat – 110 calories

  • 1 tsp Sugar – 16 calories

  • ¼ tsp Baking powder – 0 calories

  • ½ tsp Butter (tsp) – 18 calories

  • ⅛ cup Milk, 2% (cups) – 15.25 calories

  • 1 cup Blueberries, frozen – 70 calories

  • 1 Salt – 0 calories

  • 1 Cinnamon, dash – 0 calories


  1. Melt butter very briefly in the microwave.

  2. Stir together flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, milk, and butter.

  3. Sprinkle 2 Tbsp blueberries over top. Microwave for 90 seconds.

  4. Have other blueberries on the side (so we have our full serving of fruit!).


Another great fruit for energy in the morning are raspberries. They are full of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C), and they are known to reduce stress. They are also great for women while they’re on their menstrual cycles.

You can eat them with chia seeds in a chia puddling, mix with oats, eat with yogurt, and tons of different ways.

Let’s look into some meals including raspberries.

Overnight Oats with Raspberries

425 calories


  • 6 oz Yogurt, plain, Greek, 2%, from tub – 127.5 calories

  • ¾ cup Milk, skim, non-fat – 67.5 calories

  • 1 cup Raspberries, frozen, not sweetened – 80 calories

  • ½ cup Oatmeal, dry oats (uncooked) – 150 calories


  1. Combine oats, milk, yogurt, berries.

  2. Let sit in container with lid (like a Ball jar) overnight.

  3. No dairy? Use a dairy free yogurt, and milk.

French Toast with Fried Egg and Berries

321 calories


  • 1 Bread, slice – 110 calories

  • 2 Egg, large – 144 calories

  • ¼ tsp Vanilla – 0 calories

  • ⅓ Tbsp Milk, 2% (Tbsp) – 2.97 calories

  • 1 Cinnamon, dash – 0 calories

  • 1 cup Raspberries, fresh – 64 calories


  1. Combine one egg, vanilla, milk, and cinnamon in a bowl.

  2. Whisk with a fork until smooth.

  3. Spray a pan with an oil spray and put on medium heat.

  4. Soak both sides of bread in mixture and place in pan. Top with rest of mixture if not all soaked up.

  5. Cook ~3 minutes each side, until mixture has been soaked up.

  6. While toast is cooking, spray a second pan with an oil spray. Crack in egg, then flip when cooked most of the way through. Let cook for another 30-60 seconds, then remove from heat and place on top of bread.

  7. Serve berries on the side.

  8. Note: 1/3 Tbsp = 1 tsp milk
    . No dairy? Use any other kind of milk, or go without milk.


Citrus fruits are full of vitamin C, and they are a great source of vitamins. In fact, one large orange would provide you with all of the vitamin C you need for the day. Also, oranges are great for controlling your blood sugar levels, and leaving you in the best shape possible for the day ahead of you.

Here’s an idea on how you can include an orange in your breakfast (besides drinking fresh orange juice, which is always a good idea).

Eggs, Orange, And Yogurt Box

456 calories


  • 1 Orange, medium – 62 calories

  • 2 Egg, large – 144 calories

  • ⅛ cup Nuts – 100 calories

  • 1 Yogurt, flavored (<15 gm sugar/ serving), 2%, Greek, single-serving container – 150 calories


  1. Hard boil eggs

  2. Cut orange immediately before eating if possible 

  3. No nuts? Use seeds. No dairy? Use a dairy-free yogurt.


You’ve probably heard of the famous medical advice – “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Well, there’s a reason that saying exists. Apples have huge health benefits – they’re one of the best sources of soluble fiber, they boost your immunity, and detoxify your body. 

You should definitely include apples in your breakfast if you want to make sure your energy levels are on point the whole day. If you’re often tired throughout the day, apples are a great choice to have better energy production. And of course, here are a couple of ideas on how to do that.

Apple & Cheese Box

368 calories


  • 1 Apple, small – 77 calories

  • 1 oz Cheese, sliced cheese, full fat/ regular – 110 calories

  • 1 cup Carrots, baby – 45 calories

  • 1 Cucumber, medium – 42 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Peanut butter – 94 calories


  1. Cut up cheese from block 

  2. No nuts? Use seeds/ seed butter. No dairy? Use extra nut butter, for some extra healthy fats.

Yogurt with Crushed Nuts and Diced Apple

287 calories


  • 1 Yogurt, plain, Greek, 2%, single-serving container – 110 calories

  • 1 Apple, small – 77 calories

  • ⅛ cup Nuts – 100 calories


Chop apple.

  1. Place nuts in a plastic bag. On a hard, flat surface use a rolling pin or other similar object to crush them.

  2. Add apple and nuts to yogurt.

  3. No dairy? Use a dairy-free yogurt. No nuts? Use seeds. Want a flavored yogurt? Choose one with less than 15 gm added sugar.

Benefits Of Eating Fruits In The Morning

Eating fruit in the morning can be a great way to start your day on a healthy note and get the energy you need for the day.

Fruits are rich in fiber and antioxidant vitamins, which help reduce oxidative stress and support overall health, which is why they make great breakfast food.

The seeds in some fruits, such as berries and kiwi, are also a great source of vitamins and minerals (seeds are rich sources of vitamins in general).

By including fruits in your morning meal, you can feel full for longer and enjoy sustained energy throughout the day.

Overall, fruits are an energy-boosting food that can provide numerous health benefits when consumed regularly.

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