Weight Loss Affirmations

It can be a challenge to lose weight successfully. Exercising regularly and paying attention to your eating habits are crucial steps to losing weight, but having the right mindset and changing irrational belief systems can set you up for success in the long run.

That’s why I’m sharing a roundup of positive weight loss affirmations that can get you in the mood for your fitness goals.

50 Weight Loss Affirmations

First, I’m going to explain what affirmations are, and how they work, before diving into the list.

What Are Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that you declare to yourself – basically, they’re positive thoughts that you tell yourself, mostly about the present tense, as if you already reached the goal you’re hoping to reach.

They can motivate and empower you to reach your goals, and they also boost your confidence and self-esteem.

How positive affirmations work is that they train your subconscious mind to start believing what you want to believe, in this case, a positive outcome you want to achieve.

When a positive statement is repeated over and over again, you tend to believe them to be true because your subconscious mind starts believing them, and they help you attract positivity. Similarly, when you have negative thoughts, you start believing them, and you become negative overall, which does you no good whatsoever.

Why Positive Affirmations Are Important For Weight Loss

The right mindset helps

Having the right mindset helps with weight loss, and overall having a good relationship with your body and mind. It helps you reach your goals, no matter if your goal is losing weight, building healthy habits, reaching your ideal weight, having better food choices, etc.

How does the mindset help? Because it helps you believe you can do it, it helps you have a good relationship with your weight loss journey by knowing it’s not something you have to dread or something that is a form of torture, but instead something you’re doing to nourish your body.

They shift your perspective

The weight loss process is usually something people see as a form of torture. Shifting your thought patterns to see it as something that nourishes your body instead of something that tortures your body is the main goal of weight loss affirmations.

Shifting your perspective makes a huge difference because it helps you be excited about the whole process, instead of dreading it.

For example, shifting your perspective from “ugh I have to eat salads and have to stop eating all of my favorite foods such as pizza” to “I get to eat food that nourishes my body, gives me strength, and is taking me closer to my dream body and weight” is a huge difference (but I do have to mention that losing weight does NOT mean you only have to eat salads and that you can’t eat foods you love anymore – it’s all about the balance, and I suggest you read this post: How to lose weight without counting calories).

Shifting the perspective from “ugh I have to go to the gym” to “I get to exercise, release all of my stress, and have fun because working out can mean so many different things and I can find something I enjoy, and it will help me reach my goals” is also a good example of how the perspective helps you actually start enjoying the process, instead of dreading it.

They get rid of negative thoughts

Positive affirmations help you get rid of negative thoughts and shift your mindset to positive thinking. You start seeing things differently, and your confidence rises.

Negative thoughts not only bring your mood and confidence down but they also get you believing you can’t accomplish something when in reality, you definitely can. They make everything seem harder than it actually is.

Best Positive Affirmations For Weight Loss

  1. I am able to lose weight.

  2. I am able of reaching my ideal weight.

  3. I am nourishing my body with healthy food.

  4. I eat healthy food to look and feel my best.

  5. I am confident I can reach my goals.

  6. I am healthy.

  7. I am eating food that nourishes my body.

  8. I am helping myself look and feel my best.

  9. I love exercising.

  10. I love eating healthy and nourishing food.

  11. I am reaching my goals.

  12. I am taking small steps toward my goals every day.

  13. I love my body.

  14. I am beautiful.

  15. Exercising makes me feel good.

  16. Exercising helps me reach my goals.

  17. I eat food that makes me feel good.

  18. I eat food that energizes me.

  19. I eat food that gives me strength.

  20. My body craves nourishing food.

  21. My body craves healthy food.

  22. All food choices help me reach my weight loss goal.

  23. I want to maintain healthy eating forever.

  24. I love drinking water.

  25. I love whole foods.

  26. My goal is long-term health, not short-term results.

  27. My weight doesn’t define my worth.

  28. I can reach my weight loss goals.

  29. I am reaching my desired weight and body goals.

  30. I am excited about healthy habits.

  31. I am in control of my body.

  32. I am in control of my cravings.

  33. I am in control of my food choices.

  34. I am burning fat.

  35. Exercising helps me release stress.

  36. Healthy food is tasty.

  37. I am
    proud of my body.

  38. I practice eating intuitively.

  39. I deserve to look and feel my best.

  40. I deserve to be healthy in every way.

  41. I am worthy of reaching my ideal weight because I deserve to be healthy and happy.

  42. Eating healthy will help me reach my weight loss goals.

  43. Exercising will help me reach my weight loss goals.

  44. I want to eat healthy because it will make me be the healthiest I’ve ever been.

  45. I love eating food that gives me nutrients I need to be healthy.

  46. Losing weight is a very doable goal, and I will achieve it.

  47. Weight loss is possible, and I know how to achieve it.

  48. Losing weight isn’t hard, and I can do it.

  49. I am building healthy eating habits every day.

  50. I love drinking water because I love being hydrated, and I know it’s important.

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