Loved By Thousands!

Dr. Rachel Paul, PhD, RD

Best Body has made an enormous impact on the lives and well-being of thousands. Take a look at what Best Body’s customers have to say.

Hear What Members Have To Say

Most women struggle to lose weight permanently. Best Body is the simple system where women achieve their body goals and stop dieting forever.

Before & After Transformations

  • I reached my goal weight! I cannot believe the change that has happened in 5 weeks. I’ve lost 13 pounds, and am overjoyed to be wearing clothes I haven’t worn in years! I am confident and happy with myself, and I feel so much joy and peace.

  • 11 pounds down. Proud of what I’ve accomplished in a short amount of time!

    Emily C.

  • I’m 20 pounds from my goal weight! I feel amazing and I’m loving my energy level at 68!! Shout out to Dr. Rachel for helping me changing my mindset about my relationship with food.

    Shirlene T.

  • I’ve never been happy with my body until taking this journey over the past year. I changed my thinking around my body, and my relationship with food and making me more secure, less of a perfectionist, and overall much much happier. This program is so much more than just a way to lose weight, and I’m so grateful for it.

    Addie L.

  • I loved the dress then and I love the dress now. Thank you Best Body for helping me to feel and look amazing on my wedding day!!

    Hannah R.

  • After the first couple weeks of Best Body I started thinking “Wow I am such a happier person now.” It wasn’t because I lost weight, but because I wasn’t starving myself and saw such an improvement in my body and how healthy of a mindset I was having. I am blown away by my ability to become a healthier person and a more loving person to myself.

    Shelby A.

  • This program is amazing! I’ve lost 28 lbs and 6 sizes. I’ve learned so much about my body, I’ve really attuned to my hunger and fullness cues.

    Allison P.

  • Hit my goal weight today! 15 pounds down in 9 weeks. I feel empowered, confident, and at peace with food.

    Claire M.

  • I’ve steadily lost 20 pounds. Best Body has literally changed my life and is the most sustainable weight loss I’ve ever had.

    Shana Y.

  • I cannot believe the transformation. Thank you Rachel and thanks to the Best Body group for all of the support. Ahh!!

    Olena P.

  • 50 pounds down, I’m in the best physical and mental shape of my life. I want any woman out there to know it’s possible and they can do it.

    Jenn H.

  • 30 pounds apart. I used to feel so blah in photos – now I’m confident. It’s worth it.

    Kennedy T.

  • I didn’t understand why my weight loss attempts weren’t working, until I joined Best Body.

    Erin K.

  • 30 pounds down and this is the best I’ve looked & felt in my life.

    Melissa R.

  • 38 lbs down. The scale is one thing, but prioritizing my mental and physical health is the biggest gain I’ve had.

    Claire M.

Comments from Happy Customers

I joined 6.5 weeks ago and am down 10 pounds today— I’m shocked at the speed and ease of this weight loss. I am feeling the best I’ve felt since having my baby a year ago, and I do not feel restricted at all. I’m having bread and chocolate EVERY DAY.
Also— the mindset work is incredible. This truly is the missing link in all the other “diets” and food plans out there. I’m finding myself applying this mindset work to other areas of my life & seeing other improvements as well. I cannot say enough good things about this program!! Thank you Rachel!! ❤️

I started BB after a sobering doctor visit. Today, I hit 18 pounds gone. I love having the library of ‘go to’ lessons to help me keep healing from a lifetime of yo-yo dieting. I’m kinder to myself, I’m way more patient, and I feel better. I keep learning and growing and it’s all a win.

Kathy O.

I’m 7lbs down and almost don’t believe it. I don’t go to bed hungry or watch the clock longing for the next time I can eat – like I have done with every other diet. Best Body is changing my life!

Samantha G.

I reached my goal weight yesterday, a number that I didn’t think was possible to ever see without strict dieting or weight-loss medications. This program has shifted my way of thinking about food and exercise. I am making food choices that are right for me, honoring those hunger/fullness cues, all while still enjoying wine and eating out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Sara D.

1 year ago, I decided it was time to take my health seriously. I was at my heaviest, my self esteem was at its lowest. I decided to give her program a try… and wow! My relationship with food and my body have changed so much! I have lost 50lbs, but I don’t even need the scale to know how much better I feel! I’ve learned how to nourish my body, and to make sustainable changes. The podcast and live calls were incredible. I felt like my hand was held each step of the way. I love my body in a way I haven’t before.

Meagan D.

I’m 5 days into my Best Body journey and the scale is already down 1.5 pounds! I’ve noticed an immediate shift in how I think about food, thanks to the detailed mindset coaching. I am so excited to see more weight come off in these next few months, but mostly just incredibly grateful to have found a program and way of eating that “clicks”!

Lauren E.

My proven program to help you
become your best self.