instagram growth

The biggest mistakes I see people make is that they make their Instagram bios

  1. Mistake 1. You bio is all about how awesome you are

  2. Mistake 2. You bio is wayyyyy too long

  3. Mistake 3. Your bio is taking people AWAY from your profile

  4. Mistake 4. You bio is super wordy

  5. Mistake 5. Your bio is unclear

Reverse Mistake 1. You bio is all about how awesome you are

Remove all the mumbo jumbo about you

Yes, 100%, you are a wonderful, lovely person

But people are more interested in how you can help THEM versus all the details about your personal life

Here’s an example:

My bio used to have this type of info about me:

  • Student at Columbia University

  • Lover of bagels and ice cream


Who cares???

Not my potential new followers, let me tell you!

My bio now ONLY reflects my target audiences’ goals and desires.

Reverse Mistake 2. You bio is wayyyyy too long 

DO NOT! Whatever you do

Have the ellipses appear on your Insta bio

People are LAZY!

Myself, and I bet you, included

The vast majority of people are NOT going to click through those ellipses to read more about you

They just don’t care enough

I love you

But please be short, sweet & to the point with how your instagram account and business are helping people

Reverse Mistake 3. Your bio is taking people AWAY from your profile

Maybe a year ago, Insta began letting people tag people and add hashtags to their profiles

Of course there are exceptions,

But in general

I think it is a TERRIBLE idea for businesses and bloggers to link to hashtags and other IG accounts in their bios

Again: People. Are. Lazy.

If you take them away from your profile, they are likely to get busy, get distracted, etc….

AND NOT RETURN to your profile!!

This is ESPECIALLY bad news if they haven’t followed you yet

So please remove these 🙂

Reverse Mistake 4. You bio is super wordy

Bullet points (emoji bullet points especially) are best

Please don’t use full sentences – again, remember, people are lazy

And if you bio looks EVEN A LITTLE bit difficult to read…

You’ve lost people

Use your emoji bullet points effectively – remember a picture is worth 1000 words

What can you convey from an emoji so that you can cut down on even more words?

I know you can do it

Reverse Mistake 5. Your bio is unclear 

This is probably the most important mistake to reverse!

And it really encompasses everything above

Talk to your audience, understand their dreams and desires, understand their pains, frustrations and fears

And then solve their problems in your business,

And make HOW you solve their problems CLEARLY stated in your bio

Remove any extra thinking your potential new follower will have to do

I know we want to think people are lazily scrolling through Insta, spending 20 minutes on your profile, watching all your stories….


I love you – be clear & to the point and it will change your Instagram life

I would LOVE for you to check out my Beat the Algorithm course where I’ll walk you through, step by step, how to grow your Insta too –

But first, make sure you get my Instagram growth cheat sheet (FREE) so you can jumpstart your success NOW!

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