instagram growth

(hint: it’s NOT lounging about & making a 5 course brunch)

It truly does seem to me that some influencers are just lounging about

And one day, I hope to be one of them 😅


I’m back-to-back in meetings, creating new content, going to the grocery store

It’s a 7 day a week, 12+ hours a day job!

That being said 🙂

I absolutely, 1000% love what I do and I wouldn’t trade it for anything

I’ve heard a saying once:

Entrepreneurs are the only ones who will leave their 40 hours a week job working for someone else to instead work 80 hours a week for themselves 

Here’s a very realistic example of my daily schedule!

day in the life college nutritionist.png

I would LOVE for you to check out my Beat the Algorithm course where I’ll walk you through, step by step, how to grow your Insta too –

But first, make sure you get my Instagram growth cheat sheet (FREE) so you can jumpstart your success NOW!

Don’t make these Instagram mistakes!

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