instagram growth

I hear a lot of INCORRECT rumors floating around about Instagram growth

Such as…

  • You have to comment on everyone else’s photos you’re following before posting your own photos

  • If you use the same hashtags over & over again Instagram will mark you as spam

  • You have to do Instagram lives and IGTV in order for Instagram to promote your page organically

  • You have to be active on Instagram

Guys – these are all tactics

Little tactics, that people want to be true, so they can “short cut” the system

“Silver bullets” types of things


If you put together an actual strategy

You can use that strategy…. Forever!

You will create virtual content that will get new, engaged followers who are your IDEAL audience, for FREE! And constantly

Try these strategies instead! My 8 Step method 🙂

I would LOVE for you to check out my Beat the Algorithm course where I’ll walk you through, step by step, how to grow your Insta too –

But first, make sure you get my Instagram growth cheat sheet (FREE) so you can jumpstart your success NOW!

Don’t make these Instagram mistakes!

Get my secrets to success straight to your email

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